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Community Impact

Community Impact

Our Teams

Collecting donations


At our core, we believe that serving our members is only the beginning. Our dedication extends to creating positive outcomes in our community as a whole, reflecting our mission and values. Whether through volunteer efforts, financial contributions, partnerships, fundraising, or education, we believe in making a difference through collective and individual efforts.

Group of friends enjoying Pride.


Success in today's world comes from understanding, embracing, and thriving in a unique and multicultural environment. Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Team works tirelessly to advance our journey towards equality and acceptance. We're dedicated to creating inclusive environments that offer universal access to information, development, and opportunities for everyone.

Parent teaching child financial responsibility


The foundation of financial success is rooted in education and understanding. Through the efforts of our Financial Wellness team, we provide opportunities for our members to develop a healthy relationship with money.

Offering free financial counseling and partnering with organizations like the Bank On Allentown Coalition, The Literacy Center, and Junior Achievement, we aim to provide accessible financial learning. The WE Thrive Foundation also proudly awards scholarships for higher education and grants for underprivileged youth, ensuring personal growth and development opportunities.

Sustainability in action


A top priority of ours is maintaining sustainability in our everyday business. We're on a journey to transform how we do business, aspiring to be more considerate of our communities and planet. Our Sustainability Team is leading the way in implementing mindful recycling and innovative approaches to reduce our environmental impact in hopes of creating a more prosperous future.